Friday 5th of January 2024 at 06.30 WIB, an accident occurred when Turungga train with Surabaya-Bandung route collided with Bandung Raya Commuterline. The accident occurred at KM 181+700 between Haurpugur Station and Cicalengka Station. The accident occurred near the Haurpugur side Entry Signal due to an obstruction on the roadbed.
There were three commuter cars and eight cars of Turangga train that crashed. KAI evacuated the train until 08:33 a.m." KAI EVP of Corporate Secretary Raden Agus Dwinanto Budiadji revealed that the line between Haurpugur-Cicalengka cannot be used temporarily until evacuation efforts are completed.
Until now, KAI has not released the number of victims. KAI said it will evacuate 2 trains and repair damaged rail lines, as the next step. In addition, for trains that cross the area, they will make efforts to engineer operating patterns in the form of detours and divert using other transportation. Furthermore, KAI will also continue to investigate with the NTSC to find out the causes and accidents.
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