Digital ID (IKD) will be in effect on January 1, 2024. Photocopies of ID cards are no longer valid

By umsakazi | 2024-01-04 00:00:00

A news report ciculating about ID card photocopies that can no longer be used as a prerequisite for population data starting January 1, 2024. This is in line with the government's new policy of introducing Digital ID or IKD. The government also urges the public to immediately activate IKD at the Disdukcapil Regency / City throughout Indonesia.

However, the news is not entirely true. Director General of Dukcapil at the Ministry of Home Affairs Teguh Setyabudi said that IKD will not necessarily replace KTP-el (E-ID). Instead, IKD will go hand in hand with KTP-el (E-ID). He also said that IKD is expected to be like a digital wallet for the community, making it easier to process documents.

The government said some of the advantages of using IKD are savings in card-making costs, preventing falsification or misuse of population data, and the practical process of making it. The government has already started implementing IKD in December 2022 and is currently being used by more than 6,800 million people.

Teguh Setyabudi added that IKD is just a digital form of KTP-el or E-ID. This means that the KTP-el can still be used if the IKD is difficult to use, for example if you are in a place where it is difficult to get internet. The government hopes that the implementation of IKD will facilitate administrative affairs and population data collection.

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