Udinus PMM Students Provide Literacy on the Dangers of Drugs and Non-Communicable Diseases

By umsakazi | 2024-01-02 00:00:00

Udinus PMM students provided education on non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and cholesterol. The students' full social contribution carried the theme 'Being an Active, Productive, and Innovative Student in Society' at Rumah Damai Foundation.

Fitria Dewi Puspita Anggraini, SKM, M.Sc., lecturer of Nusantara Module from Udinus, explained that this social activity was a step to provide education for all residents at Rumah Damai Foundation, Semarang.

Dozens of students from Dian Nuswantoro University organized an Integrated Coaching Post (Posbindu) on Non-Communicable Diseases. We want students to be able to implement the knowledge they have to solve problems at Rumah Damai Foundation.

In addition to providing material, sharing sessions with the residents of the foundation were held at the event. Various stories from those caught up in drug cases or juvenile delinquency were also conveyed as material for sharing together.

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