Maintaining the Balance of Coastal Ecosystem, Udinus Communication Science Students Conduct 'Revive' Campaign

By umsakazi | 2024-01-02 00:00:00

On Sunday, December 17, 2023, students of the Communication Science Study Program (ILKOM) of Dian Nuswantoro University (UDINUS) carried out a practical action as a form of concern for the environment to maintain the balance of the beach ecosystem. The project, which was organized in the form of 'Bring the Environment to Life', took place at Tirang Beach, located in Tambakrejo Village, Tugurejo, Tugu, Semarang City.

This program has two main activities, namely cleaning up trash around the beach and planting 300 Mangrove tree seedlings. This activity was carried out with the intention of maintaining the coastal ecosystem. In addition, this activity is expected to increase public awareness about the importance of maintaining environmental cleanliness.

Dewa Ayu Putri Tesalonika as the chief executive also mentioned that the real action of 'Bring the Environment to Life' involved approximately 100 parties, both internal parties (Students and Delegates of UDINUS Student Organizations) and external parties (General Public). In fact, this activity also invited representatives of the Semarang Genre Ambassador and Denok Semarang City. He also revealed that this activity is part of the Event Organizing (EO) course which is fully supported by the State Forestry General Company (Perhutani) to protect the environment with the hope that people can care more about the surrounding environment.

This activity was opened by the Head of UDINUS Communication Science Study Program, Dr. Rahmawati Zulfiningrum, S.I.Kom., M.I.Kom., who was also present to hand over Mangrove seedlings to the chief executive. She also expressed her pride for the continuity of this activity as an effort to maintain the balance of the ecosystem.

#DinusFMInfo #Udinus #pedulilingkungan #ekosistem #saveearth


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