Udinus Pencak Silat Athletes Bought 12 Medals at the National Level

By umsakazi | 2023-12-29 00:00:00

The Pencak Silat Community of Dian Nuswantoro University (UDINUS) won 12 medals at the national level. Successfully came out as the 3rd overall champion at the 'National Pencak Silat Championship Bandung Lautan Api Championship 5 in 2023'. A total of 12 medals divided into 4 gold medals, 4 silver medals, and 4 bronze medals.

Jevita Sri Nur, one of the gold medalists, stated that her team had competed with totality. According to her, this was an effort to make Udinus proud in the national arena.

"To prepare for the championship, we followed a special training program from the Udinus IPSI coach. The training is to shape techniques, physical, and mental so as to get maximum results," he explained.

Located at UPI Sport Hall Setiabudi Street, Bandung, West Java. This championship competes for the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) trophy as a forum for martial arts lovers held by Sayap Rajawali Event Organizer. Especially to add relationships and also get achievements at the national level.

According to the Chairman of Udinus Pencak Silat Community, Galang Wahyu Nugroho, the championship was attended by 2300 participants from various regions and universities in Indonesia. He also said that the acquisition of 12 medals exceeded the target that had been set.

"Championships that take place regularly like this must be followed by Udinus pencak silat athletes. With the aim of increasing their confidence and abilities. Although it was only formed in 2020, we have achieved various achievements and as a foundation for further achievements," he said.

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