FEB Udinus Collaborates with Equityworld Futures LLC to Provide Understanding of Commodity Markets to Students

By umsakazi | 2023-12-27 00:00:00

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of Dian Nuswantoro University (Udinus) held a webinar 'Digital Finance in Future Market' in collaboration with Equitywolrd Futures LLC. This activity aims to provide students with an understanding of the commodity market.

This activity was held both offline and online and took place in building 6 on Friday. Featuring Udinus Accounting study lecturer Entot Hartono, MCS and Semarang branch head of Equity Futures LLC, Ismet Faradis. This webinar discusses the future improvement of the capital market in Indonesia based on existing data.

The first material was delivered by the head of the Semarang branch of Equity Futures LLC, Ismet Faradis, who discussed commodity market futures trading as a component of driving the wheels of the Indonesian economy. He said commodity futures trading is regulated by law, Act No. 10 of 2011. This makes the commodity market a legal and official place because it already has a trusted supervisory institution, fund guarantor, and transaction guarantor. He also said that now everything is online because all money that is not transferred digitally will experience delays.

The next material was given by the lecturer of Undinus Accounting study lecturer, Entot Hartono MCS, who discussed the Ecosystem and Security of Financial Technology (Fintech) to be able to transact and in-depth knowledge of information technology in the economic world. This will make it easier for students to analyze changes in the commodity market. In line with what the previous speaker said, he said that the development of fintech has entered stage 3.0 and has utilized digital wallets for transactions.

Furthermore, this webinar also discussed cybersecurity and continued with a QnA session. Equityword Futures LLC also collaborates with Udinus in the MBKM program.

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