The Java Stingaree (Urolophus javanicus), an extremely rare species of stingray, has been declared extinct. This was revealed by an international team led by Australia's Charles Darwin University (CDU). The extinction news has also been officially recognized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
The extinction is the first human-caused extinction. Lead reviewer and PhD candidate from CDU, Julia Constance, explained that intensive fishing and the absence of written rules about it were among the human activities that led to the extinction of the Javanese stingray.
In addition, the Javanese Stingray on the North coast of Java is also known to be subject to long-term and extensive habitat degradation. This happens because the Jakarta Bay area has become a large industrial area. In fact, the National Research and Innovation Agency (NRIA) put the Javanese Stingray on the red list of endangered species by 2023.
However, its population has been declining since the 1870s. NRIA concluded that the Javanese stingray is an extinct marine species during a three-year study. The surveys that have been conducted on the island of Java are convincing parameters for the team to conclude that the Javanese stingray is extinct.
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