Udinus PUBG Team Won 1st in the PUBG Mobile Campus Championship 2023

By umsakazi | 2023-12-22 00:00:00

Dian Nuswantoro University (Udinus) E-Sport won first place in the PUBG Mobile Campus Championship (PMCC) 2023. The national-scale event was attended by 1,160 teams from various campuses throughout Indonesia.

The UDINUSXGOD team is the core team of Udinus E-Sports, successfully defeating its opponents from various universities. The team consists of six students from various study programs. They are Bintang Akbar Dewantara, Fadillah Dendy Wardono, M Iqbal Esta Maulana, Gabriel Septio Rivaldi Gultom, Farrel Alden Ananta and Faiz Hanantya R.

The Head of E-Sport Udinus as well as one of the players in the UDINUSXGOD team, Muhammad Iqbal Esta felt proud to be a champion in a national scale event. According to him, the opponents they faced from the initial phase to the grand final were very strong and had above-average abilities. Iqbal said that Udinus is the only campus in Semarang City that has the title of PMCC champion and qualifies for the national round.

He also hopes that with the success of the Udinus E-Sport team to become the first champion of PMCC Indonesia, it can form a spirit for other members to show themselves and be able to excel. Through Esport Udinus, he and all members of Esport Udinus will routinely form new athletes who are ready to compete in various events.

Meanwhile, the Head of Udinus Student Affairs Bureau (Bima), Dr. Rindra Yusianto S.Kom., M.T., said he was proud of the students' achievements at the national level. He hopes that these achievements can be a motivation for other students to continue to excel.

#DinusFMinfo #Udinus #PUBG #Esport #PMCC203


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