Udinus Capital Market Investment Gallery becomes the best in central Java amongst other universities.

By umsakazi | 2023-12-20 00:00:00

Udinus Capital Market Investment Gallery becomes the best in central Java after receiving an award from the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). With this success, the Udinus Capital Market Study Group is qualified to represent Central Java I at the next event, the Investment Gallery Awards. The award, named 'Road to GI Award 2023', is an IDX initiative to advance the capital market. The GI Award is carried out as part of monitoring and guidance to ensure that investment galleries operate in accordance with their objectives.

This annual event includes several aspects of assessment. Among them are increased gallery activity, use of the Regional Development Information System "RDIS" media, and increased transactions with investors and investment galleries. Collaboration and cooperation with the stock exchange are also part of the evaluation. "To achieve one of the assessment aspects, we collaborate with Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) Danalexa Securitas as a subsidiary of Bank BRI. This gives students confidence in investing in stocks," Johannes explained.

KSPM Udinus offers various advantages to student customers. One of them is monthly regular education about the capital market. It is our top priority when there are special events related to the stock exchange. We will regularly give awards every June for the most active customers in consulting or actively participating in events.

Rudi Kurniawan, S.E., M.E., as Supervisor of KSPM Udinus also expressed his pride for this achievement. This also provides a forum for students to explore capital market insights. He also expressed his hope that KSPM members can continue to contribute to Udinus and the capital market, and be able to improve education about the importance and inclusion of finance.

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