Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) routinely improved the learning quality and curriculum of each faculty, using the workshop given to the lecturers. On this occasion, the Curriculum and Learning Development Institution (LPPK) at Udinus organized an Outcome-based Education Curriculum Workshop (OBE) on the first floor of the H building.
The Internal Workshop was attended by 31 lecturers from the Computer Science Faculty (FIK) at Udinus. The materials were explained by, Dr. Pujiono, S.Si., M.Kom., the Head of LPPK. He explained the OBE Curriculum Approach which served as the requirement of the International Accreditation.
It was an approach to an education system focused on achieving results, which was also known as the Program Learning Outcome (PLO).
“PLO’s focus must align with the visions, missions, and goals of every faculty and study program or major. Additionally, it could also be utilized as a reference in undertaking a study containing, knowledge, skills, and attitudes,” he said.
In addition to that, the studying process would not only revolve around the materials but also the outcome expectancy according to the respective faculty’s PLO. This curriculum would be centralized on the innovative learning process, effective, and interactive.
“Through five faculties at Udinus, we will undertake an instructing process to establish a task force team. That team will later focus on creating PLO to fulfill the OBE Curriculum,” Pujiono added.
The workshop was followed by a discussion session instructed by Dr. Herry Subagyo, M.M., the Head of the Curriculum Sector of LPPK at Udinus. On that occasion, the participants were guided to complete essential curriculum documents for implementing the OBE Program.
Herry, the Head Organizer, also stated that the curriculum was crucial for the study programs to undertake the International Accreditation, due to the fact that the curriculum would serve as a reference for students to be accepted in the industrial sector. Additionally, he hoped for the program to serve its purpose in several courses.
“Not only attending the workshop but the participants will be instructed to complete the provided curriculum templates. Moreover, LPPK will also clarify and revise the composed curriculum” he concluded.
The Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science at Udinus, Dr. Drs. Abdul Syukur, M.M., also attended the workshop, alongside The Vice Dean I Academic Sector, Dr. Ahamad Zainul Fanani, S.Si, M.Kom.