OKKPD Central Java Be The Best All Over Indonesia

By umsakazi | 2022-12-28 00:00:00

Semarang | December 28, 2022 - Central Java Regional Food Security Authority (OKKPD) has been named the best in Indonesia by the National Food Agency (Bapanas). OKKPD is an authority that has the authority to supervise fresh food from plants (PSAT), before circulating and while on the market, in order to maintain food safety for the community.


Head of the Department of Food Security Central Java Dyah Pukisari was grateful for the award that was successfully obtained. He said that OKKPD had an important role in issuing certificates and supervising the circulation of fresh food from plants.


Supervision carried out is checking label and good PSAT handling, taking and testing samples, as well as handling food safety cases. In addition to supervising food security, the Department of Food Security in Central Java also provides guidance to the Regency/ City OKKPD in Central Java.


Since 2021, there have been a total of 1,341 small scale food distribution permits (PSAT-PDUK) issued by the Regency/ City Government. Meanwhile there are 214 PSAT-PD medium-scale business distribution permit issued by the Central Java Province OKKPD. Dyah added, in the next year the supervision of PSAT is planned to be expanded for fresh bulk food, which is widely circulating in the community.








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