Central Java Strengthen Health Services Promotively Preventive

By umsakazi | 2022-12-01 00:00:00

Semarang | December 1, 2022 - Health development efforts in Central Java are currently directed at the promotive side. Compared to curative efforts, promotive health development will have a greater positive impact and be more efficient from an economic standpoint.


The success of the Jogo Tonggo program in controlling the spread of Covid-19 will be replicated to address other problems in society. Including, one of them is promotive-preventive efforts in the health sector.


In this program, the central government places the transformation of primary health services in the first point. This promotive health development effort is in line with the Indonesian health system transformation program.


Primary health transformation aims to make everyone have easy access to primary care. For example, access to immunizations, general practitioner consultations, health checks, and public education about healthy lifestyles.


On the Commemoration of National Health Day at the Central Java Province level, various health promotive and preventive activities were held. Among other things, giving booster vaccinations for Covid-19, especially for the elderly and disabled, celebrating the month of immunization for school children, and giving iron tablets for young women.




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