Head Of LKPP RI Provide Supplies For Udinus' 76th Prospective Graduate

By umsakazi | 2022-11-29 00:00:00

Semarang | November 29, 2022 - Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) conducted a debriefing for prospective graduates which was attended by Dr. Hendrar Prihadi, S.E. M.M., as the Head of the Goods and Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.


The debriefing was held online through a zoom meeting platform, on Thursday, November 24, 2022. Opened by the Deputy Governor of Central Java through the Head of the Provincial Education and Culture Office. Central Java, Dr. Uswatun Hasanah, S.Pd., M.Pd.


The event took place enthusiastically, as seen from the many questions raised by prospective Udinus graduates.


Dr. Hendrar Prihadi, S.E. M.M., also gave a speech at the event.


According to the Head of LKPP RI, who is familiarly called Hendi, the future successors of the nation must have a competitive mentality which can later create new jobs. Get rid of the inlander mentality that always sees the compassionate nation as greater, inferior and not confident.


Udinus Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M.Kom encouraged prospective graduates to become successful entrepreneurs according to the invitation from the Head of LKPP RI.


In his speech, the Chancellor of Udinus revealed that in order to maintain a business, it is necessary to have a strategy by looking at what advantages the business has. Able to collect human resources with qualified capabilities so that the business can continue to grow.


Closing his speech, he advised prospective graduates to be able to provide something unique or different but in a positive direction. We have formed entrepreneurial thoughts and mentality while attending lectures at Udinus, providing insight and a special space for students to become entrepreneurs.




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