UKM PMI UDINUS Holdings Routine Blood Donors

By umsakazi | 2022-11-23 00:00:00

Semarang | November 23, 2022 - Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) Korps Suka Rela (KSR) PMI Dian Nuswantoro University (Udinus) Semarang continues to increase solidarity between people by holding blood donation activities again.


The activity was carried out in a multipurpose building located on the 1st floor of ‘Gedung D’ and in collaboration with Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Semarang.


In this activity KSR PMI Udinus involved students and lecturers who wanted to help others in fulfilling the ever-increasing blood supply in Semarang.


The blood donation activity held by KSR PMI Udinus and PMI is a routine agenda every semester at Udinus. The activity was held last Friday, November 18.


The chief organizer of the Blood Donation from UKM KSR PMI, Mia Roosana said that the blood donation activity was a step for KSR PMI Udinus to care for Thalassemia sufferers in Semarang who need blood bags every month as well as increase blood stock at PMI. Organizing blood donors is a routine agenda of UKM KSR PMI.


Mia added that her party continues to socialize blood donors to the public through social media. Obviously, there are many benefits to be gained by people who donate their blood.


The benefits will be felt if you routinely donate blood, one of which will help improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of having a heart attack.




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