The Mawar Scum Bank Make The Scum Into A Gold

By umsakazi | 2022-11-17 00:00:00

Semarang | November 17, 2022 - An association of mothers in Semarang turns scum into gold. Of course, this is cannot be separated from the consistency that they have done, which then bears sweet fruit in the end. 

Thanks to their creations in processing of scum, they are now able to save up to 25 grams of gold in two years. At least, a period of one month, the lowest Mawar Scum Bank can collect untill 400 kilograms of household scum.

The Scum Bank group was formed in 2019, where at first this association was a Dawis group at the RT level which was engaged in arisan activities. Over time, the Association turned into a Scum Bank Group. Currently, the Mawar Scum Bank has 125 members.

Among the hundreds of members, 35 of them took part in the gold scum savings program. The waste savings program is a collaborative program carried out with Pegadaian. The program is the same as other models of scum savings programs, only it is converted into gold.

The way it works is the same, namely the scum from the community will later be cashed in. The money from the trash is then collected into one to be deposited at the Pegadaian.

The Mawar Scum Bank is now also growing. Initially, the income turnover from waste processing was only Rp56 thousand per month, now it has become Rp1.5 million per month.

The increase in turnover goes hand in hand with a change in the mindset of the residents. If previously residents were indifferent to the scum around them, now residents see scum as savings. So that people's interest in depositing their waste is getting more active.



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