Semarang | November 17, 2022 - Central Java Province won the first place for the 2022 Railway Safety Awards. The award is titled Abunawa Tama Sakatha Nirmala, which means the Main Award for Safe Railways.
The 2022 Railway Safety Awards is an appreciation event from the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia, the event is the first event for regions that participate in securing crossings on a train journey.
In that event, Central Java was in the top position, the second place was Banten Province and East Java was in third place.
Meanwhile, Kendal Regency won second place at the 2022 Railway Safety Awards for the district/city category.
At the moment of awarding the award, it was handed over directly by the Director of Railway Safety, Edi Nursalam and received by the Secretary of the Central Java Transportation Service, Syurya Deta Syafrie.
The award is a form of appreciation for the performance of the Central Java Provincial Government. The Central Java Transportation Agency always implements efforts to maintain the safety of residents around railroad crossings.
This is realized by participating in completing railroad crossings, with safety facilities, signs, Early Warning System, and guard officers.
Now, there have been 20 officers on track with 25 crossing points on provincial roads, of which 24 have been blocked.
The Central Java Provincial Government through the Transportation Agency continues to evaluate. In addition, the service also facilitates if the officers require an extension of certification.