Semarang | November 16, 2022 - Central Java Province already has 2,353 energy-independent villages out of a total of 8,500 villages/urban villages which are pilot projects for the development of new national and renewable energy.
The development of this energy-independent village is a form of commitment from the Central Java Provincial Government in making efforts to transition to new and renewable energy.
Until 2021, the energy mix in Central Java will reach 13.38%. Various uses of renewable energy in Central Java consist of solar, hydro, geothermal, waste power plants, as well as the use of non-electric energy such as biodiesel, biogas, biomass, and biogenic shallow gas.
Of the 2,353 energy independent villages, it consists of 2,167 initiative energy independent villages, 160 developing energy independent villages, and 26 established independent energy villages.
The success of this energy transition will provide various benefits. Among them, cheaper electricity system costs, economic diversification, development of new industries, emergence of green jobs, improvement of air, soil and water quality, and reduction of health costs.
Central Java Province's success in developing Energi Baru Terbarukan (EBT) is appreciated nationally. In particular, the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, was invited by the Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) as one of the Civil 20 (C20 Indonesia) co-chairs, to share the success of EBT development in a series of G20 side events and the Energy Transition Working Group (ETWG) some time ago, in Bali.
Central Java allocates a budget to support EBT development. Where other areas have not done that much. What's more, Central Java has a lot of EBT potential that needs to be optimized. Such as solar heat, swamp gas, geothermal, wind and water, which are scattered in many areas in Central Java.
Currently, the government is trying to find local power and participation from the community, to go slowly, even if it's small. Several villages have good roads, and the most important thing is that the community can be energy independent.