Semarang | 5 October 2022 - DPM FKES UDINUS COLLABORATES WITH THE GOVERNMENT IN EMPOWERING WOMEN THROUGH PPK ORMAWA through training on strengthening the capacity of Student Organizations (PPK Ormawa), the Student Representative Council (DPM) of the Faculty of Health (FKES) Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang is ready to improve the economy in Wonolopo.
Community service activities in Mijen Village, Semarang, officially launched the Green House, Omah Edukasi and Cafe Jamu Omah Ampiran. As well as carrying out the opening of the training followed by local residents located at The Village Hall on Saturday, September 30, 2022.
Opened directly by Vice Rector III for Student Affairs, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M and attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Health, Enny Rachmani, S.K.M, M.Kom., Ph.d. Also attended by the Advisory Lecturer for the Ormawa DPM FKes PPK Team, Ika Pantiawati, S.SiT., M.Kes., and the students who were members of the team. Several representatives from the Provincial DPRD of Central Java III, the Head of the Mijen Sub-district, the Head of the Mijen Village Head, and several Udinus FKes lecturers and other Ormawa PPK team students.
Conducted cooperation between Udinus with DP3A Central Java province. The cooperation is an effort to empower women in the economic field to foster children.
In his presentation, the head of DP3AKB Central Java province, Dra. Retno Sudewi, Apt., M.Si., M.M., said the cooperation between Udinus and DP3AKB is very interesting. Because the cooperation discussed the issue of empowering women in entrepreneurship. This activity also provides assistance to students in running the program.
Vice Rector III for Student Affairs, Dr. Kusni Ingsih, M.M., said the students will plunge directly into the community in the PPK Ormawa program.
through the program, students get a platform to hone their soft skills in the community.
After the inauguration of PPK Ormawa DPM FKes in Wonolopo, all participants conducted a review at the Green House, Omah Edukasi, and Cafe Jamu Omah Ampiran. They can also taste directly herbs concocted by local residents with Fkes Udinus students.