Udinus Animation D-4 Study Program Introducing Collaborating World Of Animation with the World of Health

By umsakazi | 2022-09-21 00:00:00

Semarang | 21 September 2022-D4 Animation study program Dian Nuswantoro University (Udinus) Semarang provides insight into the contribution of animation in the world of Health. In the meeting held in the multipurpose room of Building D on the 1st floor of Udinus, all students participating in the 2022 Mid-Year Camp program participated.


The material presented at the meeting carried the theme 'Digitized for health and environment', delivered interestingly by two lecturers of Udinus animation D4 Study Program.


On that occasion, Nita virena and Ristia Kadiasti, showed the development of animation from time to time. In addition, participants were also given the opportunity to see firsthand some of the works of the B accredited study program.


Animated videos can be used to disseminate insights around health and science. This is done so that the insights conveyed become more interesting and attract the attention of various circles. So from children to adults it will be easier to understand.


In the material it is also explained the understanding and history around animation. To give an idea to the rest of the participants who are still clouds, about what animation is. During the activity the participants followed enthusiastically as seen from the many questions asked.


In this training he became better understand the continuity of video animation for the world of Health. Some examples that attract his attention are animations that clearly show how covid can expand and become a pandemic






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