Semarang | 9 September 2022-three lecturers from Dian Nuswantoro University (Udinus) use waste oil to produce soap. Then a training was held to utilize waste cooking oil into soap, which was held in I Udinus building and followed by dozens of participants from the community in Pendrikan Kidul.
The use of laundry soap by utilizing cooking oil has several advantages. In the manufacturing process it is very simple, it is enough to mix used cooking oil with a strong base, it can be NaOH (sodium hydroxide) or KOH (potassium hydroxide).
This activity will have a good effect on the environment, among others, causing blockages in drainage, water and soil pollution.
This was revealed by Irmina Siswiyanti who claimed to be helped by the training on the use of used cooking oil. According to him, such utilization activities can be done routinely.
#Waste oil