Udinus Kediri Holding An Inaguration With The Title 'Growing In Greatness'

By umsakazi | 2022-09-07 00:00:00

Semarang | 07 September 2022-Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Kediri recently held an inauguration featuring various offerings from students and lecturers. A total of 157 students have been inaugurated and officially become new students of Dian Nuswantoro University (Udinus) Kediri for the 2022/2023 academic year.


In the inauguration activity that has been held some time ago with the theme ‘Growing in Greatness’ which was followed by hundreds of students and lecturers of Udinus Kediri.


The theme used in closing dinus inside series gives a sign that Udinus Kediri will continue to grow and be able to improve the quality of Education in the city of Kediri. This was also appreciated by all lecturers who attended the event, especially this helped giving Udinus people's trust, especially Udinus Kediri.


The event was also attended by Vice Rector IV for research and Cooperation, Dr. Pulung Nurtantio Andono S.T M.Kom, along with other Udinus ranks. The event was also filled with various performances from students.


Among them such as contemporary dance, acoustic games, band performances to Magic also participated in the celebration of inagurasidi Udinus Kediri. Keselurahan than the appearance will be displayed by students from Udinus Kediri.


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