Digital data security has become an increasingly urgent issue in the era of rapid technological development. With this concern, Prof. Dr. Aris Marjuni, S.Si., M.Kom., was awarded the title of Professor in the field of ‘Information Hiding and Image Watermarking’. Through this field, the newest Professor of the Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Prof. Aris contributes to educating the importance of maintaining the privacy and integrity of information.
The professor's academic journey under the Master of Computer Science Program (PMIK) at the Faculty of Computer Science (FIK) Udinus began in 1994 as a lecturer. Over nearly three decades, his career as a lecturer has been full of challenges and dedication, along with his enthusiastic motivation to conduct research to advance the field of education.
The Importance of Information Concealment in the Digital Age
Prof. Aris's field of study focuses on information hiding techniques, especially in the form of digital content. This understanding can be implemented by individuals and institutions to improve their data security. In general, information hiding aims to hide information that is sensitive, important, or confidential so that it is not easily accessible or known by other irresponsible parties.
Discussing its relevance in the era of technological advancements, Prof. Aris stated that the extraordinarily dense traffic of digital content today further emphasizes the need for information hiding to prevent undesirable events.
Prof. Aris also said that technological challenges will never stop. Every time technology develops, there will be other problems that arise.
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