Udinus Pencak Silat Community wins 15 medals at Sumedang National Challenge 2024

By umsakazi | 2025-01-06 00:00:00

Achievements continue to be made by the athletes of Universitas Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus), most recently from the Pencak Silat Community who won 15 medals at the national level competition. The achievement was recorded at the ‘Sumedang National Challenge’ event which took place at GOR ITB Jatinangor, Sumedang, on 27-28 December last week.

The championship won trophies from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek) and the Executive Board of the Indonesian Pencak Silat Association (PB IPSI). It was attended by around 800 athletes from various regions such as Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bandung, and Semarang. This was according to the Chairman of the Udinus Pencak Silat Community, Ira Merliana.

In more detail, Ira described the achievements of Udinus athletes, such as 2 gold medals, 4 silver and 9 bronze. According to her, the competition aims to capture young talents and nurture them into a generation of disciplined and professional fighters.

One of the athletes who won the gold medal, Nurul Afidah, said that the preparation had been done very carefully. Starting from routine training for three months to focus on improving physical, mental, and technical.

Separately, the Head of the Student Affairs Bureau, Dr. Rindra Yusianto, S.Kom., M.T., stated that the achievement was a source of pride for the campus and could motivate other students. It also proves that ancestral cultural heritage, such as pencak silat, can continue to be preserved through positive activities.
In detail, the gold medals were won by two students:
* Nurul Afidah in the Women's H Class Sparring Category
* Angelita Suci Ramadhani in the Women's Under Class Sparring Category

Additionally, silver medals were won by four students:
* Ira Merliana in the Women's Class C Sparring Category
* Rahmat Suci Setyanto in the Men's Class B Sparring Category
* Dheni Febi Setiyawan in the Men's Class A Sparring Category
* Rivaldo Ariobimo Harjanto in the Men's Class E Sparring Category

Meanwhile, bronze medals were won by nine students:
* Rif'an Maulana in the Men's Class C Sparring Category
* Indana Maulida Z.N. in the Single Art Category
* Dino Ageng Mintoro in the Men's Class D Sparring Category
* Dhirly Haifan Anwar in the Men's Class B Sparring Category
* Jevita Sri Nurhayati Loleh in the Women's Class A Sparring Category
* Muhammad Rafa S.A. in the Men's Class F Sparring Category
* Ihsan Arif Hidayatulloh in the Men's Class H Sparring Category
* M. Yusuf Jaya Saputra in the Men's Class G Sparring Category
* Sayyidah Syarifatul Ulya in the Women's Under Class Sparring Category

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