Hundreds of students from the Medical Record and Health Information Diploma Program (RMIK) at Dian Nuswantoro University (Udinus) took part in the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) as a competency test before entering the workforce. A total of 183 students participated in six types of tests conducted in stages.
The activity was held on December 30-31, 2024 and continued on January 2-5, 2025 at Building B, 2nd floor of Udinus. Hundreds of participants took a series of tests, namely admission, assembling, coding, filling, statistics, and information release.
The OSCE and Internship Coordinator of Faculty of Health (FKes), Udinus, Arif Kurniadi, M.Kom, explained that the OSCE aims to ensure students readiness before entering the workforce. Arif also added that the exam involved practitioners from various hospitals, such as Dr. Adhyatma MPH Hospital, Dr. Kariadi General Hospital, and Telogorejo Hospital.
In addition, the OSCE supports the "Unggul" accreditation achieved by the study program, further enhancing public trust in Udinus. “This activity aims to assess the competencies of prospective graduates to ensure they are job-ready. Collaboration with hospitals is also intended to guarantee that students receive evaluations aligned with industry standards,” he added.
On the other hand, Deddy Setiadi, Coder Casemix as well as Consultant Instructor from Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang, also supervised the OSCE. He expressed his appreciation for the learning outcomes of Udinus RMIK students. Deddy also hoped that the learning process at Udinus will be better and produce competent graduates.
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