To introduce Cultural Acculturation & Assimilation, 60 Students of Udinus English Study Program Join CCU's Outbound Class

By umsakazi | 2024-12-19 00:00:00

The Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) of Dian Nuswantoro University (Udinus) held an Outbound Class for the course Cross Cultural Understanding (CCU). The activity invited students to get to know cultural acculturation and assimilation in Semarang City.

The CCU activity involved 60 students of the Undergraduate English Program. In this activity, students were invited to visit several historical locations in Semarang City, such as the Kota Lama, Pekojan Jami Mosque, and Tay Kak Sie Temple, to observe the manifestations of cultural acculturation and assimilation directly.

In her interview, CCU lecturer and activity companion, Dr. Neni Kurniawati, M.Hum., explained that Outbound Class is a learning method carried out outside the classroom. The activity aims to provide different learning experiences to students.

During their visit to Tay Kak Sie Temple, students received an explanation directly from the temple's resource person, Andre Wahyudi. They were introduced to Tridharma, activities in the temple, and information about gods, ciamsi, and culture related to Chinese society. In addition, they also learned about the harmonious relationship between local culture and Chinese culture that has merged into the daily lives of the people of Semarang.

Dr. Neni added that students' motivation and enthusiasm for learning were one of the reasons why the CCU Outbound Class was held. She hoped that the Outbound Class could foster cross-cultural understanding while at the same time fostering cross-cultural understanding.

Outbound Class activities are expected to continue to be carried out as part of the cross-cultural learning process at Udinus, given the great benefits felt by students. The activity is a concrete manifestation of an innovative learning method that not only emphasizes theory, but also direct practice in the field.

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